Better GOLD Fixed – Interest Details :


Tenor Interest Rate :
Cash Deposit 
Interest Rate :
Cashless Deposit
30 days  8.35% p.a.++ 8.35% p.a.
60 days  8.60% p.a.++ 8.60% p.a.
90 days 8.85% p.a.++  8.85% p.a. 
180 days 9.10% p.a.++ 9.10% p.a.
270 days  9.15% p.a.++ 9.15% p.a.
365 days  9.20% p.a.++ 9.20% p.a. 
395 days 9.25% p.a.++ 9.25% p.a.
545 days 9.30% p.a.++ 9.30% p.a.
720 Days 9.30% p.a.++ 9.30% p.a.
1080 Days 9.30% p.a.++ 9.30% p.a.

* Effective from 1st June 2022.
* Upfront interest will be rewarded within promotion period.
* Enjoy the above preferential interest rates (p.a.) within the promotion period.
* Others Wealth Banking Terms & Conditions apply.
* For more information, please contact to your dedicated Relationship Managers or MAB GOLD concierge at (+951) 9010792.